Luna Construction Services LLC

In the ashes of tragedy, the resilient spirit of Maui rises, forging a path of renewal and hope that will sculpt a stronger, more united island for generations to come.

Remove Concrete in Record TimeIn the grim aftermath of the Lahaina fires, hope and strength aren’t merely metaphors. They’re forged in steel, powered by hydraulic might, and manifested in our Viking Breaker—ready for duty in Lahaina, Maui. Amid scorched earth and weakened infrastructure, this beast of a machine is the symbol of a community’s will to rebuild, reclaim, and revive.

A Savior in Concrete and Steel

In catastrophic fires, not just wooden structures but even concrete and steel can suffer irreparable damage. A serious fire can generate heat sufficient to weaken concrete footings, slabs, and steel reinforcement bars. The Viking Breaker, compatible with either our T870 or S650, is your formidable ally against these broken vestiges. With a working weight of 878 lbs, a length of 62.8 inches, and an astonishing impact energy class of 750, this tool doesn’t just demolish; it revolutionizes the very meaning of strength.

Power Measured in Blows Per Minute

When you’re up against a clock, and every minute counts, the Viking Breaker’s remarkable performance at 440 – 1300 blows per minute sets a new standard in efficiency. No concrete is too hard, no rock too stubborn. The Viking Breaker crumbles them in record time, making way for new life and foundations.

The Unyielding Tool Diameter

Anchored by a 2.68-inch tool diameter, the Viking Breaker is designed to deliver unyielding and precise impact. In a landscape where every strike matters, this machine cuts no corners, embodying accuracy that parallels its might.

Compatibility: The Best of Both Worlds

Whether you prefer the brute force of the T870 or the nimble dexterity of the S650, the Viking Breaker seamlessly integrates with both. Its compatibility offers you an extraordinary range of choices, ensuring that you have the right combination of machinery for your specific need.

Speed and Safety: The Dual Mandate

While the Viking Breaker is an epitome of brute force, it’s equally committed to user safety. Its engineering balances speed and security, ensuring the maximum demolition capacity without compromising on-site safety. In the rough terrains of post-fire Lahaina, where hazards are many and risks are high, the Viking Breaker stands as a beacon of reliability.

Beyond Demolition: A Tool of Renewal

At first glance, the Viking Breaker may seem like just another piece of heavy-duty machinery. But in the delicate task of Lahaina’s post-fire recovery, it becomes much more than that. It’s a facilitator for clearing dangerous, fire-damaged structures, making way for new constructions. It’s an enabler for families to start anew, transforming scenes of despair into clean slates where new memories can be built.

An Investment in the Community’s Future

As Lahaina finds its way back from tragedy, the Viking Breaker is more than a machine. It’s an investment in the future, a vote of confidence that signals to every resident: we shall rebuild. With the Viking Breaker, contractors and rescue operators can move forward with the assurance that no job is too big, no task too insurmountable.

The Emotional Weight of Breaking Ground

While machinery often speaks the language of pure physics, it’s essential to remember that every pound of force exerted by the Viking Breaker reverberates far beyond the confines of metrics. Each shattered piece of fire-weakened concrete is a step closer to renewal; each cleared plot is another chance for a family to reclaim their sense of home.

Forging Ahead

With fires that have devastated both landscapes and lives, Lahaina’s path to recovery is neither short nor easy. But as we clear away the burnt remnants and debris, let us also remember: the act of breaking ground is, in itself, an act of hope. The Viking Breaker, in shattering the old, dilapidated, and dangerous, forges a path for the new, vibrant, and safe.

A Promise Etched in Steel

As we embark on this journey towards renewal, the Viking Breaker serves as a constant reminder of both the strength and resilience that define Lahaina, Maui. Here stands a machine that doesn’t just break; it builds. It builds opportunities for new beginnings, it builds platforms for community recovery, and above all, it builds hope.

So as you hear the Viking Breaker roar to life in Lahaina, know that it’s more than a piece of machinery at work. It’s the sound of a community rising from the ashes, it’s the melody of progress, and it’s the anthem of a brighter, stronger future.