Luna Construction Services LLC

In the ashes of tragedy, the resilient spirit of Maui rises, forging a path of renewal and hope that will sculpt a stronger, more united island for generations to come.


In the tragic aftermath of the Lahaina fires, the community faces a Herculean task of sifting through ruins and rebuilding lives. As we confront this calamity, our Bobcat Excavator Bucket stands as a beacon of hope and an essential partner in the ongoing efforts to rise from the ashes.

A Tool with a Purpose

Our Bobcat Excavator Bucket isn’t just a tool; it’s an instrument of restoration. Designed for skid-steer and track loaders like our formidable T870 and the versatile S650. It is prepped for duty on Maui’s shores, especially in Lahaina, where it’s an indispensable part of the fire cleanup operation.

Engineered for Versatility and Endurance

Constructed with top-grade materials, the bucket’s structure is designed to withstand the harshest conditions, offering the robustness needed to tackle jobs from moving burnt cars to clearing debris and unloading construction materials. It’s engineered to perform with strength, so you don’t have to worry about its integrity while focusing on the delicate task of piecing a community back together.

For All Your Material Handling Needs

Ideal for everything from industrial cleanup to municipal projects, can efficiently move and unload materials. It’s not just about cleaning up, it’s about laying down the foundation for a renewed Lahaina. Its applications span the diverse material handling needs of any major recovery effort, becoming an asset for everyone involved.

Navigating the Delicate and the Difficult

In a landscape marred by tragedy, the bucket’s capabilities adapt to handle sensitive work. When lives have been upheaved, and nature has wreaked havoc, it’s important to have a tool that treats the affected area. The Bobcat Excavator Bucket does just that; it’s robust enough to take on the daunting tasks, yet agile enough to operate in sensitive zones.

Efficiency Meets Speed

Time is of the essence in recovery operations. Whether it’s quickly removing burnt-out cars blocking access to essential infrastructure or efficiently unloading materials for a makeshift shelter. Paired with the T870 or S650, this attachment ensures that operations proceed without a hitch, clearing the path for first responders and support services.

No Job Too Big, No Task Too Small

The Lahaina fires have left an imprint on the community that will last a lifetime, but it’s in the face of such adversity that we see the best of human spirit. For every large object moved, there’s a smaller, personal item carefully sifted from the ashes—a trinket, a photo frame, a piece of a former life. The Bobcat Excavator Bucket is there for all of it, proving that no job is too big, and no task too insignificant in the grand scheme of healing and rebuilding.

Designed for the Long Haul

When it comes to enduring strength, our excavator bucket exceeds industry benchmarks. This isn’t just a piece of equipment; it’s a long-term investment in the future of Lahaina and other communities that may need a lifeline in challenging times.

Bringing Lahaina Back to Life

As Lahaina takes the arduous steps toward rebuilding, excavator stands ready to assist, a faithful companion in a journey filled with challenges and triumphs. With its unparalleled strength, versatility, and sensitivity, it not only aids in the immediate recovery but also lays the groundwork for a future where the community can thrive again.

In Lahaina, as the air gradually clears of smoke and ash, the horizon is slowly but surely getting brighter. And at the forefront of this new dawn is our Bobcat Excavator Bucket—reliable, resilient, and ready to rebuild.